Smart Locker Solutions for protecting your Human Capital

Smart Locker Solutions for protecting your Human Capital

fonzel smart lockers for offices



COVID-19 caused a sea change in the way companies work. At its core, this pandemic is a human crisis. For any company, the most valuable asset is its ‘Human Capital’. Risks to the financial capital can be protected with fallback arrangements, but protecting the human capital is even more challenging. Many companies have downsized or optimised their real estate space and want their WFH employees to visit the office only when the need arises.


The Future of Space Management in Offices is here in India


Today, the human resource (HR) department is central to the response in organisations globally. There is a sea change in workspaces. Gradually people are started to return to the offices. Now there no fixed sitting spaces like earlier. Each knowledge worker gets a different, available seat every time. The ‘Hot desking’ culture is becoming prevalent. Here multiple knowledge workers use a single physical workstation or surface during different periods. Naturally, the smart lockers for offices be allocated to them. Their storage needs to be in shared lockers. Hence, the safety of the employees is the prime concern of the HR department. Also, with the optimisation of office spaces, less and less space is available for lockers for office. So, allocating a secure physical space for the lockers is another challenge.


Fonzel India provides an innovative and Covid risk-free solution to overcome this challenge. It offers Smart Lockers in India and overseas for the dynamic work environment. The lockers are secured by touchless, secure digital technology. The user can book the locker from anywhere. Be it her home or car, she can book it from a secure, 128-bit encrypted app. The booked locker gets allotted and the colour of the LED on the locker in physical space changes from Green to Red. When she reaches the workplace, she can open it with a smart ID card, this RFID based locker solution which ensures another layer of security. The knowledge worker can use the locker for the desired period. After that, she can ‘release’ the locker from the mobile app. the LED on the locker changes from Red to Blue indicating it is available for allocation. The locker database on the server is updated accordingly.


But the locker allocation system does not make it available to other employees immediately. Now, the COVID 19 safety mechanism kicks in. Even though the locker is emptied, it is not immediately made available to other employees. After surrendering the locker, an authorised maintenance person gets an alert on his or her smartphone. The vacated locker is opened by the authorised cleaner and gets thoroughly sanitised. After that the cleaner enters the sanitisation details from his RFID card, the system releases the locker for the next employee. And the cycle continues.


Fonzel is one of the best smart locker manufacturers in India. As the intelligent solution is completely touchless, it is the best option for shared storage. Its dynamically controlled access eliminates health concerns in a big way. The clients include Microsoft, Cadbury and Salesforce. As the solution offers Touchless usage and access from mobile devices or RFID cards, it eliminates major health risks in shared workspaces. COVID-19 had forced organisations across the globe to adapt to how work is organised and how jobs are designed. The coronavirus pandemic has changed the way companies work and how they manage employees. Let’s embrace the change by opting for smarter solutions.

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